Summerfest Ticket Terms

These terms contain a waiver of certain rights in the case of death, disability, personal injury, property damages, property theft or claims of any similar nature which may accrue as a result of participation in the Event. Please review these terms carefully.

POLICIES: Entrance to the ticketed event (the “Event”) is subject to the policies and restrictions posted at each entrance to Henry Maier Festival Park (the “Park”) and set forth at (collectively the “Policies”). Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. (“MWF”) reserves the right to refuse admission or to eject, without refund, any person violating any applicable law or Policies, using offensive language, or acting in a disruptive or offensive manner, as determined in the sole discretion of MWF. MWF reserves the right to alter, modify, or substitute performers, programs, dates, times, Policies, and restrictions without notice.

NOTICE OF WAIVER OF CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS: Entrance to the Park is at your own risk. By entering the Park, on behalf of yourself (and on behalf of any minor accompanying you), you: (i) voluntarily assume all risks incidental to the Event, including, without limitation, the risk of lost, stolen or damaged property or personal injury; (ii) waive, release, and discharge MWF, the City of Milwaukee, the Board of Harbor Commissioners, and each of their agents, employees and contractors from any and all negligence and liability for your death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft or claims of any similar nature which may accrue as a result of participation in the Event; and (iii) agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MWF, its agents, employees and contractors from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, and liabilities of any nature including all costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees, which in any manner result from your conduct  during the Event. By entering, you have considered that, if this waiver was not as broad as it is, the cost of the Event would be considerably higher and you may not have the ability to attend the Event.  MWF, a not-for-profit corporation, is immune from liability for injuries to persons or to property on the Park pursuant to Wisconsin Statute Sec. 895.52 (sometimes referred to as recreational immunity). In the event of an epidemic or pandemic, you acknowledge and agree by purchasing and holding this ticket, that there is an inherent risk of exposure in any public place including the Park regardless of precautions that may be taken, and you agree to assume all risks associated with infectious and/or communicable diseases, viruses, bacteria, or illnesses. In connection with the Event, you agree to follow all applicable MWF directives and protocols, Policies, and applicable law, designed to reduce the risk or spread of disease or sickness.

CONSENT: By entering the Park you hereby consent to having your name, image and/or likeness, writings, biographical information, or recordings of your voice captured or reproduced in any medium, including, but not limited to, advertising, editorial, educational, promotional, or publicity, by MWF or its affiliates, assigns, licensees, partners, sponsors, and the media for purposes of promoting the Event and the Park.

CHOICE OF LAW AND VENUE: Any dispute related to this ticket or the Event is to be governed by and construed according to the internal laws of the State of Wisconsin.  You and MWF mutually agree that all actions or proceedings arising in connection with this ticket or the Event shall be tried and litigated exclusively in the state or federal (if permitted by law and a party elects to file an action in federal court) courts located in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.  If any provision hereof is declared or adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted without impairing the legality, validity, or enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: You agree that MWF shall have no responsibility or liability for lost profits, special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages even if MWF has been advised of the possibility of the same.

DECLINING THESE TERMS: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any MWF Policies, should you review these terms and decide you cannot or will not agree to the same, you must inform MWF of this fact prior to entry into the Park and/or Event along with proof of purchase to receive a full refund any amounts actually paid by you to MWF for your ticket. Entry to the Event demonstrates your agreement with these terms.

NO REFUNDS: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Unless otherwise set forth in the Policies or as otherwise provided by applicable law, there shall be NO REFUNDS ISSUES FOR YOUR TICKET FOR ANY REASON. MWF may, but is under no obligation to, issue a refund or credit for future purchases in its sole discretion and on a case-by-case basis.