Entrance Policy and Safety
What are the security policies at the gates?
In line with all other major venues and stadiums, all visitors and employees will enter Henry Maier Festival Park (the "Park") through metal detection and should be prepared to comply with other security screening requirements.
- All bags are subject to inspection prior to entering the Summerfest grounds. No backpacks at all or bags larger than 9x10x12 will be allowed on the grounds. All bags larger than 9X10X12 will need to be returned to a vehicle or home before entering the Park.
- Please leave any unnecessary articles secured within your vehicle or at home to expedite your entry into the park. Items NOT ALLOWED CANNOT be checked in (see list below).
- Any prohibited items will be confiscated by security and will not be returned.
- Milwaukee World Festival, INC (MWF) is not responsible for fire, theft, damage or loss of vehicle including articles left within.
If you need to bring medication, medical equipment, diapers, or other personal care items to Summerfest, how should you pack those items?
- If you have privacy concerns, put those items in a smaller bag that you cannot see through and then place that bag in a clear bag.
- Please note, the small cosmetic or privacy bag is still subject to inspection.
- Nursing mothers may bring in needed items in a similar manner or separate bag.
What can I carry in?
The following items are ALLOWED:
- Umbrellas (Note: Umbrellas are not allowed inside the American Family Insurance Amphitheater or at the BMO Pavilion during stand-alone events/concerts)
- Strollers (Note: Strollers are not allowed inside the American Family Insurance Amphitheater)
- Disposable Camera
- Small Camera (No Professional Grade Cameras and Video Equipment)
- Small Bag, Cinch bag, or Purse (See graphic above)
The following items are NOT ALLOWED:
- Backpacks (special consideration will be given for parents with infants and those with medical needs)
- Large Bags over 9X10X12 inches
- Camelback-style hydration packs
- Picnic Baskets
- Outside food and beverages (unless needed for infants, medical or dietary needs)
- Cans and Glass/Plastic or Metal Containers (including Yeti type bottles, tumblers, thermos, and disposable plastic bottles)
- Coolers or other hard side containers
- Stainless steel reusable drinking straws
- Self-defense sprays (such as OC, pepper spray or mace)
- Aerosol cans (except for spray sunscreens 6oz or less, 1 per patron)
- UAV-Drones
- Alcohol
- Illegal drugs or substances
- Firearms (no open or concealed weapons/firearms)
- Knives
- Weapons or objects that could be used as weapons
- Fireworks, sparklers, or explosives
- Professional cameras (cameras with a detachable lens or lens that extends further than 3 inches) or video equipment
- Recording devices
- Brooms/broomsticks, selfie sticks, poles, trekking sticks, and tripods
- Pets (except service animals, or during special events or promotions)
- Banners or flags on poles
- Laser pointers
- Skateboards, roller skates, inline skates or hoverboards
- Foot powered or electric scooters
- Bicycles, tricycles or unicycles
- Wagons
- Kites
- Hula-hoops, Frisbees, and beach balls
- Stadium seats and lawn chairs
*This list is not exhaustive. Items not appearing on the list may still be prohibited at the discretion of MWF Security if the items pose a potential threat to safety of our guests or due to event restrictions
The following additional items are NOT PERMITTED in the American Family Insurance Amphitheater:
- Strollers
- Umbrellas
- Professional grade cameras, GO Pro style cameras, Ipads/tablets, video, or video recording equipment, unless authorized by the performer. Standard point and shoot cameras may or may not be prohibited depending on event restrictions
- Stadium seats and lawn chairs
- Other items as determined by the performer
Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. d/b/a Summerfest reserves the right to alter carry-in item policies at any time. MWF will not offer accommodations for prohibited items and are not responsible for items left behind in the screening process.
Improving Your Festival Experience
As we look forward to yet another fantastic festival season, we would like to remind the world’s greatest music fans to be safe and have fun.
Summerfest is committed to providing a comfortable and relaxing entertainment experience in which you can always expect to be treated in a consistent, professional and courteous manner by all venue, security, and operations personnel. The safety of our fans will always be our number one priority!
The below bullet points are ways in which you can have the best Summerfest ever:
You are entitled to enjoy the Summerfest experience free from disruptive or inconsiderate behaviors or unruly actions.
Fans may not interfere with the event and/or performers in any manner.
Please refrain from using abusive language or obscene gestures.
Fighting, throwing objects or other behavior deemed detrimental to the experience of other guests will result in you going home early.
For those of you who choose to consume alcohol, please do so in a safe and responsible manner. Intervention with an intoxicated or impaired fan will be handled in a prompt and efficient manner.
You must comply with requests from festival staff regarding venue operational and emergency procedures.
Fans may not engage in unauthorized commercial activity while on venue property.
In helping to maintain these high standards, Summerfest fans are encouraged to report inappropriate behavior to festival staff. Remember: SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.
Once again, and most importantly, be safe and have fun - see you this summer!
Festing Safely
We believe everyone should feel safe and enjoy their time at Summerfest. Summerfest does not tolerate any behavior that makes our guests feel unsafe, unwelcome, or uneasy. We encourage all guests to respect each other. Harassment in any form is not acceptable behavior. Harassment could include, but is not limited to: stalking, verbal or physical intimidation, offensive verbal comments, physical assault and/or battery, harassing or non-consensual photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, or unwelcome physical attention, based on race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, age, body size, disability, appearance, religion, citizenship, or pregnancy. If someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, no matter how minor it may seem, please do not stay silent. If you have been subjected to harassment, please contact Summerfest Crowd Management staff (red shirts). If you require medical assistance at Summerfest, please visit one of our First Aid stations, or request assistance from Crowd Management, Bell Ambulance, or Milwaukee Police Department officers.
If you are still struggling to figure out what we mean by our anti-harassment policy here are some examples:
You see someone in the crowd that you think is attractive:
DO – Ask yourself, “does that person really want to stop watching their favorite Summerfest artist to be ‘hit on’ by me?” If you still think it’s a good idea, be prepared for rejection, and be respectful by saying something specific like, ‘enjoy the show’ or ‘have a nice night’ instead.
DO – Keep a reasonable distance between you and the person. Be aware of social cues. If they move away from you or turn their head away that might be your cue to stop talking.
DO NOT – Say “hey beautiful”, “cutie,” or ask them things like, “Why aren’t you dancing?” Don’t continue to stand near them or try to engage them if they are not interested.
When you feel like dancing:
DO – Respect peoples’ space around you and dance in your own personal bubble or with your friends.
DO NOT – Grab someone and start dancing with them without permission.
You are trying to get through a crowd of people to see your favorite band:
DO – Remember that other people want to see the band too. If there’s no space ahead of them, don’t force your way to the front. If there is space, politely say excuse me.
DO NOT– Push, shove, or run over other Summerfesters. Know what’s a bummer? When someone pushes past you then stands right in front of you!
Severe Weather and Other Emergency Procedure:
In the case of severe weather, the signage on the grounds and the grounds’ announcement system will promptly notify Summerfest guests. Some Summerfest activities may be temporarily postponed or canceled. Please keep an eye on the signage and/or social media and website for updates as they come out. Keep in mind, however, that Summerfest is an outdoor music festival, and we operate rain or shine.